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  • Tuesday Tea-Time: How Do You Do It ALL?!?

Tuesday Tea-Time: How Do You Do It ALL?!?

with: iced mango-pineapple tea

It’s officially summer season!!! My favorite!!! Tea connoisseurs might be turning in their grave as I drink this ICED mango-pineapple tea. (For those of you that don’t know: teas are supposed to be drank hot, never iced). It’s just so good though - can’t resist the tropical fruits during this hot summer day.

Today I want to talk about the question I get the most frequently:

how the hell do you do it ALL !?!

🫖 Backstory

Sometimes, I wonder that myself. In the eyes of someone else, I can see how: managing multiple real estate properties, writing a book, working a corporate job, running a newsletter, creating a biz, and maintaining a healthy life is a lot.

I’ll be lying if sometimes I don’t feel overwhelmed by my interests and feel behind every step of the way trying to keep up with it all. But that feeling is pretty rare.

Because what if I told you my real secret is that I don’t really do it all…

🔑 My Process

What a lot of people don’t realize is this: you can do a lot without doing it all. Before I dive into my process, let’s take a second to think about an affluent person’s life. Let’s take Bill Gates for example: he has Microsoft, the Bill & Melinda nonprofit foundation, investor in other companies, writer of many books, and also maintains his life full of travel and meetings. How? He has teams dedicated to all of these pillars.

I know what you’re screaming: “well obviously radhika, he’s a billionaire and can hire and do whatever he wants”. My counter argument is this: you don’t need billions of dollars to carry out your dreams or to hire people/systems to run things for you.

Let me best explain it through my 4 steps:

  1. Eliminate

    This is step number uno! When you’re starting something new (any goal or initiative), a flood of ideas will come and go in your mind. Maybe they are different strategies for how to carry out your vision or something completely outside of what you were thinking. It’s natural and it happens to all of us.


    Most times, we eliminate these tasks. Really think through your list of things and get rid of any ideas that are distracting.


    Example: when threads (the social media app) first came to be, I felt pressure to post on it. Until I realized, it’s a distraction and it’s adding too much to my plate. poof - I eliminated that thing and don’t do any work with it.

  2. Automate

    Second: we live in the world of automation. I automate anything and everything I can and guess what - so do most successful people. Time is the biggest limited resource to any 1 human. But leveraging all these digital tools, we can ease up so many of these processes. Here are just a few of the things I automate:

    1. Paying off all my bills (including: credit card bills, cleaners, and property managers)

    2. Sending guests check-in and check-out messages automatically. There’s a few software’s that’ll help you automate this

    3. Posting regularly on social media. There’s multiple apps/software that can help you do this.

  3. Delegate

    This right here is the REAL secret. Delegating is the #1 way most people run their lives. And guess what? You don’t need to be a billionaire like Bill Gates to hire people.


    Nowadays, there are several ways to hire college students, stay at home moms, and offshore talent to help you in your life. Here are some ways/examples of how I’ve hired people in the past:

    1. Property Managers to run day to day operations of real estate

    2. Offshore Designer to help me re-do my website

    3. Online Graphic artist to help me create a book cover design

    4. Book Formatter for when I published ‘From Ramen Noodles to Riches’

    5. Virtual Assistant to help reply to emails, schedule my calls/meetings, and book travels

  4. Bonus: Do-it days and Do-nothing days

    As a bonus tip, I’ll leave you with this: scheduling do-it days and do-nothing days. In the past, we’ve talked about how do-nothing days are super important. Rest is essential for progress. But making progress is also important for progress.


    Here are ways I implement my days in a given month:

    • Do Nothing: 1-2 days per month, I’m on full lazy mode. This means ordering boba, noodles, and dim sun only to watch tv in my Pjs. On a lucky day, I’ll maybe go out for a walk. But I have nothing planned and actually do absolutely nothing productive.

      • Because sometimes, I just don’t do it all.

    • Do It:

      • 1st of the month: I always set aside time to review my previous month, go over financial calculations, spreadsheets, etc.

      • 4-6 days per month: I set time to work at a coffee shop where I’m in full focus mode. Do not disturb on, headphones on, and I sit down with my giant to do list and cross things off one at a time. I get up when more than 50% of that list has been crossed out.

📝 Closing Notes

I’m going to leave you with one final thing: time is money. Try calculating exactly what your time is worth and see if the activities are worth your time. If not, delegate them. You can find amazing designers, assistants, coders, etc. for affordable prices!

And if those few hundred dollars you’re spending on delegation and software can help make you thousands of dollars then it’s 100% worth it. Sometimes, that price is also worth the headache and mental pain you’re saving yourself from.

p.s. if you’re already automating or delegating some of your work, please do reply to this email and share it with me! I’d be so curious to know how and learn from ways I haven’t yet.

p.p.s. i’m always down if you want to have a do-it day or do-nothing day 🙂 sharing this space and time makes it so much better


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