My First Property, The "Right" Path, and Principles of Success

Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous.

read time: 5 minutes

🧠Goat Quote

Learning without reflection is a waste.

Reflection without learning is dangerous.


🪙Two Cents

door key

In December of 2021, I closed on my first investment property. The crazy part is, in December of 2020, I had never thought someone like me could invest in Real Estate. Even crazier - this property I bought sight unseen from 2000+ miles away. To this day I haven’t seen this property.

While this might seem scary, I hope that it motivates some of you. I set a goal in January that year to purchase a long-term rental investment property that’s less than $100k and cash flows (Yes - these properties still exist!) and ended up succeeding. If you’re curious about how I achieved did, here are the steps I followed:

  1. Contacted turnkey providers all over the country

  2. Contacted lenders that operate in all 50 states

  3. Contacted other investors who’ve bought a few properties in the past to learn from their mistakes

  4. Analyzed & Evaluated cash-flowing properties

    1. Repeated this cycle until I felt comfortable with my income, expenses, capEx, vacancy, etc.

Eventually, it came down to this: am I ready to take this step towards financial independence? The worst that could happen isn’t actually that bad anyway…

So, I kept searching until I found a property where the numbers made sense. Submitted an offer, ran the inspection, hired a property manager (who I later had to fire - more on that later), and signed the closing docs. ALL REMOTELY. If you want to chat about real estate and other personal finance topics, feel free to book a call with me here, I’d love to help out any way I can.

❗Lessons Learned

Earlier this year, I was determined to find the ‘right’ path, the ‘right’ answer, and the exact steps I need to follow to become successful.

It ended up being a very miserable time for me. I was always criticizing my decisions and my past. As soon as I learned about a new method/technique that a tech entrepreneur talked about, I’d implement the change almost immediately…burning myself out.

It took me months to learn something so profound, yet so simple. You are on your own journey. There is no one ‘right’ path. There is no ‘right’ answer. There is simply you and the path that makes sense for you. Learning to understand what’s important to you is the most important thing of all.

The above image I saw on a bathroom wall and I knew I had to share the lesson I’ve learned this year. However if there is something you’re super keen on perfecting and are facing burnout, look below for one of the best tips I’ve learned!

📝Featured Blog Article

We’ve all faced burnout on some level before, let’s be honest. When we have a goal in mind, it’s common to get trapped in a vicious cycle of procrastination, grind, and burnout. Typically, we’ll start off energized by this new goal or project in mind. But we procrastinate because of the intimidating nature of work, so we take a break before even getting started. With the deadline impending, we feel behind and feel like we need to make up for lost time and grind. Here’s a new trick I found that’s been helping me stay out of the vicious burnout cycle:

Rad Recs

If I had to pick one video that changed my life, it would be this. With some extra personal time during the holiday season, I highly encourage you to spend 30 minutes watching this beautifully curated video ‘Principles for Success’ by Ray Dalio (American billionaire investor, hedge fund manager, and founder of Bridgewater). Reply to this email to let me know your thoughts!

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