Real Estate BRRRR Strategy, Hard work is hard, and Investing in Yourself

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.

read time: 5 minutes

Hey hey! Radhika here — just wanted to give a massive thank you all for the support on my recent book release! I'm so glad those of you who have gotten your copy are enjoying it :)

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I dedicated so much time and effort to bring you this book, and it would mean the world to me if you grabbed a copy.

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Thanks again for being such an amazing community.

Hope you guys enjoy today’s read! 🙌

🧠Goat Quote

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.

Charles Bukowski

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🪙Two Cents

In the past, I’ve shared a few strategies for you to get started in the world of real estate investing. Today, allow me to share another amazing strategy that’s as cold as this past winter — the BRRRR Strategy. So, what exactly does BRRRR mean? Let me break it down for you:

B: Buy - The first step in this process is buying a distressed property. This is ideally a property whose value in the market can be a lot higher once renovations are made to fix it up, but because it’s distressed at the time of purchase it’s easy to buy it at a lower price point.

R: Rehab - Rehabbing is a key part of this process. This ensures that you’re fixing up the property and forcing appreciation. This work could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. There are several loans you can leverage to rehab a property.

R: Rent - The next step is renting out the property. Because you’ve done the work to fix it up, you should be able to hire a property manager (if needed) and find solid tenants to generate a steady cash flow.

R: Refinance - Now that the property is upgraded and has cash flow coming in, you can refinance the property to cover your initial investment. This hopefully provides you with better loan terms.

R: Repeat - The best part about this strategy is you can repeat this entire process over and over again to scale out your real estate portfolio.

The reason this strategy is super popular is because you can take out your initial investment through refinancing and keep repeating the process to scale up. Let me know if you have any questions about this - I’d be happy to break it down through an example :)

❗Lessons Learned

I was thinking about people, whose support me on this journey.

Regardless of the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year, they’re going to be hard. This is especially true during this time of year when our rush of motivation is slowly seeping out. For me, the past few years I thought I could bypass the feeling of hard shit being hard. I thought I could make my tough goals easy/fun, and I believed that they should be enjoyable. The thing is, people tend to share hundreds of tips on how to make life easy.

But what if I told you it’s not supposed to be easy. And that it’s just supposed to be freaking hard. It’s just simply a matter of doing the hard things. Wouldn’t that change this perspective?

Without doing the hard things, you’d still be the person you are today, doing what you do today, wondering what’s possible. I’m reminding myself that hard work and goals aren’t always pleasant but you still have to do it. The phrase I tend to repeat in my head is “It has to happen” so “how can I make it happen?” Having this mindset makes it so that when your goals get hard, you’re not surprised, but instead better equipped to take them on.

📝Featured Blog Article

Amidst focusing on all of our different external investments, it’s easy to lose track of the most important: Investing in yourself. But what does it actually mean to invest in yourself and what are some specific ways we can do it?

In this article, I dive into the specific ways to invest in yourself through managing your wardrobe, taking care of your health, and more:

Rad Recs

If you’re looking for a gritty, entrepreneurial story that’s going to inspire you, Shoe Dog is a fantastic choice. It’s the story of Nike’s founder, Phil Knight, and a book that has really changed my outlook on business and what it takes. The book provides insights into entrepreneurship, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of creating something:

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