
Thank you for all your support

This Thanksgiving, I spent a lot of time reflecting on things I’m thankful for, and that includes you:

  • I’m thankful to be surrounded by so many incredible people. People who are ambitious, driven, and full of curiosity and love.

  • I’m thankful for the community. Thank you all for the ongoing support during this journey.

  • I’m thankful I’m able to spend hours doing what I love.

I’m working extra hard to build out something I always wish I had. Something to rely on, learn from, a place to freely talk about not just career but also about money, personal growth, and our own damn goals.

Be on the lookout for some incredible things coming your way (psst.. it might have something to do with a personal finance guide at your fingertips) and always feel free to reply back with any questions or thoughts you may want to share.

Again, I’m so thankful for all of you and happy I can play a small small part in your lives.

With much gratitude,


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