Tuesday Tea-Time: Why & How I Treated My Family To An Italian Summer

with: flower power herbal tea blend

Ciao! I’m officially on my 458 day streak on Duolingo learning Italian. This is probably my only habit I’ve stayed semi-consistent with - all because I’ve realized how competitive I can be and how I cannot let my boyfriend have a longer streak than me. Anyway, one of my big 5 year goals (when I first set them in 2021) was to take my family (fit-fam as most of you know them as) to a well-deserved trip.

On this hot, lovely summer I’m drinking this herbal tea blend which combines: Chamomile, Rose, Calendula, & Lemon Balm. To be fully honest, I mostly drink it because of how pretty it looks 😍 JUST LOOK AT IT

💡 Where the idea stemmed from

I’ve always been the kind of person to set new years resolution but as far as detailed goal planning and going over them quarter over quarter was inspired by a close friend of mine. We met during a real estate conference and immediately hit it off. Since then we’ve been goal planning together every year and review them each quarter. She was the first one to put this thought in my head.

We met because of real estate investing. Our goals had always been to be financially independent and to grow our financial freedom to a level where we can create a legacy. I’ve always wanted to retire early, to make a big difference in the world, and to leave my future generations with true generational wealth.

Why? Because the people with monetary wealth are the few ones that can truly make a difference in society. After achieving baseline comfort, one can go after their bigger goals in life.

Then, a few weeks later, Kaja told me she wanted to take the time to celebrate this financial freedom (once achieved) with her loved ones.

And that’s what triggered me. Wait a minute - by the time I’m able to reach my goal, I probably won’t be able to treat my family to what they deserve. And the idea was born.

💶 How I carried out my plan (Financially)

Two years ago, I wrote this down in my planner: “Take family on a fully-paid vacation” and that was it. I didn’t think much else about it then. I didn’t know where I should take them, nor did I have any idea when. All I knew was this: it’s probably going to cost some $$, so let’s save up. And since then, I created another High Yields Savings Account and started contributing $100 each month. The second year, I increased the contribution amount to $400/month. Earlier this year, I was closer to reaching my goal than I’d thought and why wait any further?

This was the only time we’d be this young, have enough energy, and have time (with my siblings in school) to take a full fledged family vacation. I saved a few extra paychecks to fully fund the trip and started planning.

📖 The kinda really personal side of it

I’m not sure how many of you relate to this part, but the other thing about my family is that we’re an immigrant family. I remember moving to the States in the 5th grade, my sister was 6 years old and my parents? I don’t think they had any idea what all was changing for them.

Why is this relevant? Because from what I’ve seen about other immigrant parents, including my own, is that they make these huge decisions for the sake of their own kids. They learn to sacrifice all their own wishes, dreams, and wants, just to make sure their kids can have a good education and live a successful life.

If you ever ask my parents, all they want is to make sure all their kids are doing fine.

Then I thought to myself: wasn’t that my original goal with financial independence? Isn’t that exactly why there’s a fire that’s lit under me?

And really - what’s the point if we keep giving to future generations rather than take the time to spend with our loved ones now? I wanted to take my family on a vacation they’d never go on otherwise.

In fact, up until now, we’d never vacationed in Europe and this was the time!

😊 How it went

I honestly have 0 regrets about this decision. To this date, it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Sure, financially, there was a lot to think about for 5 people but that’s exactly why I planned it out way in advance. Creating a financial plan is what allowed me to carry out something like this.

As far as how it went: we all had such a blast! I made sure to plan stays in different cities with different types of activities, and have options for things to do for everyone. We went to London, Milan, Venice, Cinque Terra (this was the secret town I surprised them with), Florence, and Rome.

There’s something about traveling that enables us humans to see things differently. The shift in perspective is important for people in all age groups. I’ve personally felt the need to understand other people’s point of views to help me figure out what really is important. I know as a child travelling and moving helped me develop a higher EQ by putting myself in others shoes. As we get older, it’s important to be flexible in our thought process and not let the way we were raised to define who we are.

And to be honest, it was good to finally use some of that money I’d been saving up for so long towards a fulfilling goal. Small reminder; you hear me say this all the time: it’s very very very important to be financial savvy and save your money and invest your money but make sure to also spend it on things and people that are important to you.

Fit Fam in Cinque Terra

For those of you who are wondering how I convinced my parents that I’d pay for this trip, well, that was a bit difficult. You know how they can be. Eventually, I had to tell them, I WANT to do this, so please, just let me.

📝 Why I’m sharing this

I think it’s important to take a step back once in a while, understand why you do things, and take a moment to show your gratitude towards your why. Many people talk about being grateful and practicing gratitude internally. That’s great! But it’s equally as important to express gratitude with actions.

With immigrant parents, it’s hard to have that 1:1 conversation. We all know they express kindness by bringing us cut fruit so I decided to give them back a full plate of prepped Italian food.

🌴 An amazing resource for your vacations:

One of my really good friends just became a travel advisor so I have to share this amazing resource with you. Here’s a quick blurb from her:

Whether it's a work trip, bachelorette party, honeymoon, weekend getaway, or family vacation, a travel advisor elevates your experience with VIP perks like welcome gifts, complimentary upgrades, and free breakfast. You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like—if you already have a hotel in mind, I'll ensure you get the best value while handling all the booking details. 

The best part? Booking hotels and private transportation through me is free! If you want to take your trip to the next level, I offer full end-to-end services for a fee, where I manage every detail of your itinerary—just share your preferences and budget, and I’ll craft the perfect getaway.

Interested in working with me? Fill out my trip intake form https://forms.gle/cHNLdMvDbZmAsvbq9 or schedule a call https://calendly.com/savannah-dempsey/30min to learn more.


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