Turnkey Providers, Discipline = Self Love, and Dealing with Burnout

The means of learning are abundant - it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.

read time: 7 minutes

🧠Goat Quote


The means of learning are abundant - it’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.

Naval Ravikant

🪙 Two Cents

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I know real estate investing can be an intimidating strategy to lean into. So let me share one of the easiest ways to get started: Turnkey providers.

Turnkey providers are companies that offer properties that need very little time, effort, and work to get the property rented out. This makes them a super easy investment for two types of individuals:

  1. Someone that’s looking to get started in real estate

  2. Someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to dedicate towards an active investment and leads a busy lifestyle

If these sound like you, I highly recommend looking into turnkey providers as a means of investment. Some other benefits they provide are:

  • A property management company in place

  • A list of lenders you can work with

  • Calculations on said property with cash flow, ROI, etc. (but be sure to still run numbers on your own)

  • A guarantee of fixing up anything that comes back from inspection

In my case, the property was rented before I even purchased it, another reason to check them out!

🤫 If you’d like a list of turnkey providers I like/have worked with, send me a reply to this email with the word “Turnkey” :)

❗Lessons Learned

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Discipline is the ultimate form of self-love.

I’ve always admired those with a consistent routine. This started when I lived in Indiana - I would meet people with enough dedication to wake up in the harsh winter months and still make themselves go over to the gym at the crack of dawn. They found the time despite there being a ‘busy’ season, and seeing their dedication made me realize that these are the people who truly love themselves.

At first, I thought self-love was treating yourself (whether it was going shopping, a glass of wine, some candles or a bath). While there is truth to this, I’m now realizing discipline is also about trusting yourself to do what you said you were going to do.

This is because if you truly love yourself, you’ll keep the promises you made with yourself while doing the things that are best for you. Often times, a lot of this comes down to doing the hard things that improve yourself, whether or not you want to do them in the moment.

This is an interesting realization I’ve had about self-love, and it’s made me orient myself to taking my discipline just as seriously as my desire to treat myself.

Pssstt… if you missed my last email, I just launched the Pre-Order for my Personal Finance ebook!

This ebook is the culmination of years of trial and error in my personal finance journey, and it’d mean the world to me if you checked it out. No matter where you are in your journey, I truly believe the lessons in this ebook can help take you to the next level.

In From Ramen Noodles to Riches, you will learn to:

  1. 💰 Leverage your main financial accounts (checkings, savings, credit cards, and brokerage) to maximize your money system.

  2. 📈 Dive into investing with ESPP, HSA, and Retirement Accounts (401k, IRA) with detailed instructions on making your money work for you.

  3. 🏡 Analyze various real estate strategies and learn the step-by-step process to acquire your first property.

  4. 🚀 And so much more!

And just for you special subscribers, I added in an exclusive Pre-Order discount to the Gumroad link below 😉

👉🏼 Amazon Kindle: link

👉🏼 Gumroad (PDF, suitable for all non-Kindle users): link (Exclusive 10% Discount Code is applied!)

Hope you enjoy!

Rad Recs

Looking for a great book to start the new year? One of my all-time favorites is "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This book is packed with relevant themes on life like taking risks and trusting in the journey, and it’s super entertaining. Highly recommend!

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“I burned out really bad from last year. How do you tend to deal with burnout or avoid it?”
- D

Burnout is a stage of mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. I totally understand how easy it can be to fall into, and I also understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

With that said, here are 3 actions I take that help me combat burnout:

  1. Taking plenty of breaks

    1. Take small, short breaks while working such as going on walks, cooking, watching an episode of tv, or drawing

    2. Take longer breaks while accomplishing a big project/task such as a weekend trip, a social gathering, or a hike

  2. Not taking things too seriously

    1. I feel like one of the most common reasons people feel burnout is because of the mental pressure they put on themselves. Remind yourself to try to let go of that expectation, and that you’ll be okay despite the outcome

    2. Remember, one bad meeting, one bad exam, one bad year doesn’t frkn matter. Take time throughout the day to look at the bigger picture of your daily actions

  3. Finding things that bring happiness/joy in your life

    1. It took me 26 years to figure out that drawing/painting relaxes me. I used to think I was wasting time by drawing, but last year I realized it’s one of the best tools I have at my disposal to mentally take a break.

    2. Find your meditative state and do more of it. For me that’s painting, yours could be the same or something else (another example is how my dad’s meditative state is running)

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